Synopsis: An organisation called the SCP Foundation protects the planet from supernatural beings, for example anomaly's which can form a threat to our society. A scientist of the SCP Foundation has been tasked with compressing the power of an anomaly, so it won't be harmful anymore. When the experiment fails a mobile task force has been sent in to get the job done.
Film Festivals:
This project has been selected for five Film Festivals, one of them being the Lift-Off Global Network Sessions. This one is located in the United Kingdom, and the second one being the Nicomedia Film Awards located in Turkey. The third Festival for which the film has been selected is the Student World Impact Film Festival. This Festival is located in the United States. The fourth festival being the Paris Lift-Off Global Network, this festival has been located in Paris. And the fifth festival being the London International Monthly Film Festival. Which has been located in London. The sixth festival being the Fear Faire Film Festival, which has been located in Las Vegas. Lastly the seventh festival being the London Lift-Off Global Network. The festival is located in London.